Saturday, February 25, 2006

A look and a taste of Italy!

Today, Suzanne and I went down to the Milwaukee Public Museum to see the exhibit of the Vatican there. It was just awe-inspiring to see the exhibits and to get close to everything. It was so neat because it was set up in the timeline of the Church's history. You started the walk at the death of St. Peter and the founding of the Vatican in Rome, and ended up at the pontificates of Pope John Paul II and Benedict XVII. It was really eduacational to see the changes of the Church through history and how much it impacted civilization. The whole time I kept thinking about how many holy people touched and used these objects, and now I was looking at them and could really relate to those holy ones of old. My favorite exhibit was the crosier or staff of John Paul II. Here was a personal object, even a symbol you might say, of one of the holiest men, and possibly, greatest saints of our time. I also loved being able to put my hand atop the bronze cast replica of his holiness' hand and to see his elegant signature at the bottom. I really felt as if I was touching his hand and connecting with him in a way unknown to me before. I think they did a great job on the whole exhibit in general and I left it amazed and quite moved. We stayed at the museum and looked at other exhibits for a while and then went off to Bucca di Beppo's, an Italian resturant not far from the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. My parents, who had come down to see the exhibit too, met up with us there and ate a little with us. The food and drinks were delicious (as always!) and we had enough leftovers to take home. My parents headed back home, while we were going to go to my old church, Old St. Anthony's, but it was locked and there was no evening Saturday Mass. So we went to Mass at St. Josephat's Basilica instead. We also went to the Milwaukee Public Library (which is huge by the way and has some really cool artwork inside) and also the Cathedral (we accidentally interuptted a wedding!) throughout the course of the day. But all good things must come to an end and we had to go back home. It is always hard for me to leave Milwaukee. I lived there for seventeen years and I consider it my home now and forever. I always get that way when I leave Milwaukee. I'm just an emotionnal sap I know! :) I had a lot of fun though and really enjoyed the whole day. Yet, it is time for me to get going. Arrevadeirci! God Bless you all!!


Gregaria said...

That sounds like a fantastic exhibit! What a neat way to learn about Church history.

I love Bucca di Beppo's! Glad you had a good time.

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous... That sounds like a lot of fun, and you sound like you had a terrific time. :)
I've never been to Bucca di Beppo's. Is it good?

Kodi said...

From this and what Suzanne was telling me last night, I am very jealous that there is no way for me to get to see this exhibit. Ah well! Maybe I'll just go to Italy one day and satisfy my yearning for the history of the Church.
And Zenka, Bucca di Beppo's simply one of the greatest Italian resturants I have ever been to.

Gregaria said...

I second that, Kodi.

Scyldmaiden said...

Aww, you beat me to posting! There isn't much more to add, other than I wish mom had let me take the camera and I wish there had been more art work. It was a full day and I enjoyed myself very much!

Kodi said...

What, the part about wanting to see the exhibit, or the part about Bucca di Beppo's?

Scyldmaiden said...


Anonymous said...

I third that, Kodi, with only the slight modification that I want to go BACK to Italy. Mmmm... someday I will. Someday...
And I'll also have to go to Bucca di Beppo's sometime. Where's the nearest one?

Anonymous said...

Well, Shill, there's one in Lynnwood.

Anonymous said...

Hermes, you and I can go there for my birthday. I went to an Italian restaraunt last year on my birthday, and it was there that I found out that the pope had died. On my birthday. This year, I have to be anywhere but at home, all day long. Not that I'm complaining or anything... :)