Thursday, February 09, 2006

little Mary's blog

I've just created my first blog!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to Suzanne who introduced me to this! Well I should probably write something cool or grand but I really can't think of what to write. I suppose this is probably going to be like a diary so have fun reading to all who visit my blog.
Well I am in the process of figuring out what I am going to do for school. I was supposed to attend this winter but mixed up paperwork and lack of funds prevented me from fulfilling my wish to attend school. I have big news though! After living with my roommates for the past two and a half years I have decided to move out and it looks like I will be moving in with my parents again. I really don't know how that is all going to go. We tend to butt heads quite often but I have a while. My lease is up in October and I will wait on deciding what I will do until that time is closer. Also I hope to have a better job come fall. I want to be accepted for work-study on my financial aid so I will be able to work and go to school at NWTC and quit my job at Hobby Lobby. Anyway, I am really just waiting for spring and summer to arrive and bring the warmer weather with it. Well, I apologize for the length and I will no bow out gracefully. Until next time.....................
God Bless,


Scyldmaiden said...

Yes! I found you. Search engines are wonderful things.
You don't like the cold weather? I didn't know that...

Kodi said...

Hey, welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! In the way of introductions, I am a very good friend of Scyldmaiden's, and if you would like to know more of me, she is probably a good person to go to.

Y'know, I love both cold and hot weather, though I despise the weather being indecisive as to what it wants to do. Such as now , where we have had three days of spring like weather, only to get a warning of snow for tomorrow morning. Silly Washington weather!

Gregaria said...

Hi Mary! I am also a friend of Scyldmaiden's since she is closely associated with Kodi... who is an even better friend of mine than she is. If things continue this way, it looks as though you'll pretty much be adopted into the huge (ha ha) network of Washington bloggers. Pretty much all of our gang have blogs, originally to keep in touch with each other, though that doesn't seem to be necessary... hmm... Will have to rethink that one.

Anyways, welcome and good luck!

God bless,

Unknown said...

Hiya! I too am a friend of a friend of Scyld's, although I also have the distinct honor of being one of the three Washingtonians who has actually met Suzanne face to face.

Yes, it's true, it does seem rather likely that you're going to wind up getting to know most of the Washington gang pretty well, as you've already been mobbed by two of our number.

We're like a very affectionate plague.

In any case, I'm Cow. Glad to meet you, madam. *bows*

Gregaria said...

*a very affectionate plague*

Yeah... that's about right.

Scyldmaiden said...

See Mary, you didn't know what you were getting your self into. :)
Aww, I wouldn't say plague. There can never be enough "mobbing" posts!

Gregaria said...

That is also right :)

Little Mary said...

Thank you all for the comments. Thanks for welcoming me to the "family." Oh, by the way I like the cold weather but it gets a little too much as the winter drags on and I can't wait for Spring and summer.