Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Praise the Lord!!!!!!!

First and foremost I want to tell you all that my Dad has found a job!!!!!!! Thank you for all your prayers and support!! They were greatly appreciated and he found out about the job on Good Friday!! The Lord works in mysterious ways! Praise the Lord!!!! I don't know where he works (haven't found that out yet) but I know he is working!!! Praise God!! I also found out that I was approved for the school semester in the fall and also for financial aid today!!! Yipee!!! I got a moments panic yesterday when I was talking to my mom though and said I didn't know if I wanted to go to school. Funny how those weird thoughts just hit you sometimes. Oh well, I am still going but I do have the jitters. :) But I am very excited!!!!! Also my mother is officially hooked on the new Pride and Prejudice movie. I bought and have watched it six times (three of those were with my mom:) My mom wouldn't even let me take it home with me after the first time she saw it because she wanted to watch it again:) And this is coming from a woman who firmly does not believe in watching a movie more than once unless it is EXTREMELY good. I told her before she saw it that she would be hooked and she didn't believe me! Anyway, I have to go. Thank you all again so very much for all the prayers. God bless and keep you all. Arrevedeirci!!!


Scyldmaiden said...

Well, that is great news!I hope it works out well for your dad.

I love Pride and Prejudice. I want the movie, but I am not sure I can justify buying it when I have other expenses......

Kodi said...

That's great news Mary! The power of prayer is simply amazing.
Speaking of prayer, would you mind keeping my family in your prayers? I appreciate, thanks!

Gregaria said...

That's so great to hear, Mary! God bless your family again and again!

Anonymous said...

That's really fantastic! I'm so glad for you all. :)

Anonymous said...

Yay! God is good. :)