Wednesday, June 21, 2006

It has been a while.....

It has been a while since I have been on here. I have been very busy with work and now that summer is here it seems like there is never enough time to do everything that I want to do. I have been spending alot of time with my close friend Michele, her family, and our circle of friends (my extended family). Some of us went on a road trip to Sunset Lake in Waupaca County this past weekend and had a blast. I met a guy in the circle of friends that I have fallen for. Nothing will ever happen though because it would just be too awkward and complicated BECAUSE he and I are both in the circle of friends. So we are just friends. I have also decided not to move back in with my family. My mother and I had a falling out and we are not speaking to one another anymore. I am getting my own place because I need somewhere to call my own and just to have my own little haven. I know now that if I were to move back home, my mother and I would be at each other's throats all the time and I would end up leaving anyways. I need to have my own space and comfort zone where I can be alone and not have anyone bother me. If I seem a little cold and distance, it is because this is a very hard time for me and I apologize. God is also very distance from me now and I feel all alone. But, I will get over it because I have always done it before. But I have to get going now and I will talk to you all later. Bye



Anonymous said...

Hmm... this may be a sign that God wants us to pray for you! You can count on my prayers. I hope and pray that everything will turn out well. I'm sorry that you're feeling down in the dumps. There may be a grey cloud in front of the reason for all this, but God does have a plan. May He bless you abundantly!

Gregaria said...

I second that motion. I will pray for you, Mary. Its hard and sad, but there is a reason and you can always unite your suffering to Christ's and thereby make it redemptive suffering! You can even offer it for friends and family... even your mom (!)... everyone who needs prayers. God bless. I will pray for you.

Here's a good prayer to pray: "Lord, guide my mind and heart in this matter."