Friday, February 17, 2006

More news...............

Help me! I have been attacked by the Washington mob!!!!!!!!!! :) No, it's great to know you all and talk to you. Thanks for all the comments too. Well yesterday we had a HUGE snowstorm and from what I last heard we got almost a foot of snow! I didn't even go to work it was so bad and the store actually shut down at 3:00pm. on account of the storm. I did not mind though because I had an extra day off. It was actually really pretty to watch the snow fall.
Suzanne and I are planning to go to Milwaukee next Saturday to the Public Museum to see the exhibit there of Vatican artifacts. I'm so excited and I can't wait till next weekend. You see, I'm orginally from the Milwaukee area and lived there till I was 17, so in a way, I feel like I am going home. Someone asked me once if I would like to live in Green Bay or move back to Milwaukee and I said Milwaukee but the more I thought about it, the more I wondered if I could leave all my new friends here in GB. Sorry, you'll have to forgive me because I tend to go on and on about a certain thought line and I forget about everything else.
I know this is really getting long but I have two more things to say to you all. First, I would like to ask your prayers for my Dad. He is having some medical problems with his brain and on top of all that he doesn't have a job with a wife and four kids at home. So all of your prayers would be gratefully appreciated.
The second is kind of a playful thing after that somber note. I recently asked some of my male friends what they expect and look for in a woman. (Suzanne knows what I'm talking about:)!) Maybe you could all send me comments on this one. They told me that they want a girl who will smile all the time, be extremely good, look perfect and act perfect. Someone who is almost like a Barbie doll. One who is quiet, doesn't ask alot from them, and is kind of like Lana from the TV series Smallville. From the way they were talking, they want a Lana or Barbie doll robot. I asked them if that was all they looked for and why they didn't want a woman who would laugh with them as well as argue with them. Love them as well as challenge them. To fight alongside as well as support them when needed. To be their equal in all things and be treated accordingly. I told them that that was reality and that they would never find their Lana or Barbie and be truly happy. They brushed it off and I told them that well, I could never compete with anything like that. What do you all think of that?
Again I apologize for the length of this entry. I'll try to be shorter in the future. Till next time.......... God Bless!


Scyldmaiden said...

Oh, good it is next Saturday. I got your email and panicked. I thought you meant tomorrow. How much are the tickets, by the way?

I don't mind the length of your post. It is very fun to see another side of a friend. We might talk about the same things you write but thoughts come out clearer when typed. Besides a blog is a good place to vent without interuption.

I'll be praying for your family. :)

Kodi said...

Prayers are our speciallity here in Washington state, and so we will be putting up our best efforts.
I think that the guys you asked are definitely having delusions of grandeur. There is no such thing as perfection, because we're all human. Sounds like some guys definitely need a reality check. "...a woman who would laugh with them as well as argue with them. Love them as well as challenge them. To fight alongside as well as support them when needed. To be their equal in all things and be treated accordingly." sounds pretty good to me!
Enjoy your guys' winter storm extravaganza. We'll just sit enviously at the sidelines here in winterly-challenged Washington :)

Anonymous said...

Yes! I can comment now. I'm Zenka, from Washington, friend of Kodi's and Suzanne's like everyone else. I think your guy friends are pretty much crazy. That's the opposite of me practically, so just think opposite of Barbie and Lana, and you've got me... :)

Anonymous said...

Holy cow. I just realized that comment made very little sense. When I said 'that's the opposite of me' I was talking about their ideal girls being the opposite of me, not the fact that your friends are crazy. I'm one of the craziest people I know. Anyway, sorry about that confusing introduction... And like Kodi said, prayers are our speciality. :)

Gregaria said...

Yeah, I agree with the opinions expressed so far on the "perfect" girls. No such thing. I'm even more imperfect that Zenka, so that really puts me out of the running. But that's really ok, because who wants to marry someone who expects perfection all the time? If that's what you expect, you can't honestly vow to love the other person "for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health" etc.

Anyways, don't worry about the length of your posts. Its fun to read!

I'm glad you're enjoying your snow to some extent.

And I will pray for your family.

God bless!